Basically, our spiritual life can be undisciplined or disciplined; haphazard or intentional; careless or thoughtful. I am convinced that one who loves God cannot be satisfied with “little visits with God” that are squeezed into an already full life. One who loves God will wish to know Him and serve Him, and will quickly realize that this does not happen without demanding something of ourselves and our time.
Paul said it this way: “Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some benefit, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:7-8).
Over the coming days, I am going to discuss spiritual disciplines. I find that people are often frustrated with themselves, or uncertain how to proceed, in this area—specifically in the area of what we call “personal devotions.” If you fall into this category, please check in. My plan is to both reflect on the topic and to provide specific suggestions concerning Bible study, prayer, and thinking deeply about our God.
Now, let’s see if I’m disciplined enough to really do it...
Hi Ken-
I love how God puts people on the same wavelength. Last week I noted in my journal that I wanted to revisit Spiritual Disciplines (note the capital letters!) and be more intentional (and more diligent!) about them. By His grace, I will be.
I recall shying away from Fosters "A celebration of discipline" 23 years ago. Our youth group recently went through "Disciplines for Life" by CJ Mahaney and John Loftness. A good review with application questions. I commend it to you.
On this subject, there are a variety of titles that are probably thought provoking but not as Scriptural (that is, clearly delineating the Bible's teaching on the given topic). For this reason, I have shied away from Foster also.
I assume that C. J. Mahaney's would be a good one. The one I have benefited from most is by Donald Whitney, and I'll need to give him some credit in the coming days as some of my thoughts will be drawn from his very solid book, "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life." He has another book about spiritual disciplines within the context of the local church (quite important - take the individualistic edge off things), and another small book about examining our spiritual condition. I use all of these, though mostly that first title.
Sounds good - I look forward to it. I can hold you to it if you'd like!
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